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1sst Cloth Myth Photography Event

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1sst Cloth Myth Photography Event
Chevalier d'argent
Chevalier d'argent

Age: 42
Signe : Gemini
Inscrit le: 25 Avr 2006
Messages: 263
MessagePosté le: 19 Aoû 2010 16:32:06 Répondre en citant  

HI my friends, I invite you for this Event open worldwide. There will be great prizes, and completly free (shipping cost included)

You can post your question here.



I. Awards

Prizes for artists (at the moment):
Cloth Myth Dragon Shiryu God Cloth O.C.E
Cloth Myth Fenix Ikki God Cloth
Cloth Myth Andromeda Shun V1 (DAM v.)
Completely free, including shipping worldwide.

Prizes for 2nd Round voters
- To be determined.

II. General Participation Rules

1. Participation is open for's users and guests.

2. THE PICTURE SHOULD BE ANONYMOUS, and participants should ensure the anonymity until the end of the competition. Failure cancel his participation requirement.

3. Contestants must send photos directly to the organizer to this e-mail address:
, with the following data:
- If SSToys user: (username)
- If SStoys visitor: guest + (pseudonym)
- Title of his picture.
- Acronyms their names.
- Number of personal mobile phone.
- Postal code and city of residence.
- Year of birth.

III. About the Competition

1. Is not allowed the use of photoshop or similar tools of digital enhancement. The effects should be made directly on camera, or using physical objects if necessary.

2. The Customs and figures outside the Myth Cloth collection are not allowed in this contest.

3. The artist can choose the staging, setting and theme of the photo, freely

4. Only allowed pictures taken with digital cameras, and one photo per person.

IV. On voting

1. May vote only's users registered before August, 1st 2010, and whose rank is equal to or greater than "Athena` s Clothes "

2. Voting for the First Round will be through the voting system of 3 photos in each of the two groups (6 votes total for post), scored with 3, 2 and 1 point.

3. The evaluation of the photographs will be mandatory for users with a range Athena's Clothes and Odin's Robes.

4. Pass to the Second Round the two most voted photos of each group and the third best among the two groups (5 photos in total).

5. The votes of the Second Round will be "one post = one vote". For this round, they must also leave on the head or foot of post, the last 3 digits of personal mobile phone, for participate in the Prize Draw for voters.

6. if there is a tie, the tiebreaker will be drawn through the web Sortea2.

7. Rectification of votes is not allowed. Post edition cancels the vote.

8. The groups are organized in order of arrival of the participants photos to the organizer e-mail.

9. Pphysical prizes will be only for the first, second and third place for this Event.

V. Bonus

Only 3 saint seiya toys' users have a bonification for participated and won the last indoor Photo Event, and they will have extra votes in the First Round of this championship: orphe (+3 votes), euplixe (+2votes) and Spartan-Leon13 (+1vote-

VI. Times

1.Deadline of works presentations will be until September, 30th 2010 at noon.

2. Works will be published on October, 3rd 2010. Contestants may submit comments or complaints until October, 5th 2010 midnight.

3. First Round: From October, 6th 2010 noon to October, 13th 2010 noon.

4. Second Round: On October, 13th 2010 will be announced the 5 finalists, and will open the second round, which runs until October, 16th 2010, at midnight.

5. Morning of October, 17th 2010 (Date of our Anniversary), Winners will be condecorated in this 1st SSToys Cloth Myth Photography Event.

* The dates and times indicated correspond to the time Spanish mainland.

VII. Honors (SST users only):

- The winner of the contest will receive the following honors:

1. Badge.
2. Invitation to publish until 15 photographs of figures of authorship (in the original resolution and quality) in section SSToys Flickr.
3. Incorporation of your collection temporarily as "post it" within the User Collection Room.
4. Exhibition of photography at the Main Portal and advertising of your collection.

- The 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th place will also receive a badge of recognition, and his collection will be incorporated as a post it.

- The honors duration is 3 months after its official announcement.

VIII. Modification and interpretation of rules

The Contest organizer reserves the right to modify and interpret the rules as well as the ultimate decision on any aspect of the event.

Participation in the Contest constitutes acceptance of these rules.


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